Goldfinger 2020. 18 January 2004. 'Explosive Decompression, Frog Giggin', Rear Axle'.

Sep 12, 2019  Amnesia Collection Review – A Recollection of Forgotten Scares Every game in the  Amnesia series is notable for atmospheric and intimate horror, so it’s a bit odd to see this trailer. Amnesia Collection videos - Watch Amnesia Collection PlayStation 4 videos, movies, trailers, gameplay clips, video game reviews, interviews and more at IGN.


The horror!

After a very brief and mysterious trailer released a few days ago, we now know exactly what Frictional Games was teasing. Amnesia: Rebirth is a sequel to Amnesia: The Dark Descent, and launches Autumn 2020. You can check out the trailer below.

In Amnesia: Rebirth, you play as Tasi Trianon who has traveled to the Algerian desert in a new grim tale. It isn’t clear why Tasi put herself in this horrific situation, but according to the press release, the game will explore “the limits of human resilience” in her “harrowing journey through devastation and despair.” Sounds lovely, right?

Frictional Games launched Amnesia: The Dark Descent 10 years ago; from personal experience, the game is both fantastic, challenging, and horrifying. Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs was published by Frictional Games and developed by The Chinese Room, but didn’t quite get the love its predecessor received. Released in 2015, Soma was the last game Frictional Games developed, another horror experience that was just as fantastic and horrific as the company’s first. It seems the developer is confident Amnesia: Rebirth will be another quality horror game as it is described as “another evolutionary leap for Frictional Games.”

If Amnesia: Rebirth is getting you hyped, the Amnesia Collection is now available for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Putting Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs in one package, it’s a good buy if you want to check out what the series is all about. If you want to see what we thought of the collection, here is our review.