I'm gonna talk about the story, world, and setting of Iconoclasts now that it's over, and how this whole situation probably came about in the first place, and what I believe is how it all goes. At some point in time the Starworm comes to the planet, being ridden by a the birdman mechanic, or someone else of the birdman race, and alters it.

About This GameRobin just wants to be a mechanic and help people, but without a license she’s a sinner in Mother’s eyes. Ever since picking up her wrench, the world has been going nuts and she's wanted to bolt it back together.

I was thinking a bit about this game and I had a realisationLet me explain:- During the boss-bomb-and-boat battle in the mountain, we can see that the mountain is actually made of boxes that can be transformed, after being triggered by the boss, into multiple type of terrain.We can later see 3 of these boxes in the sanctuary (Royal’s prison) referenced as « sacred boxes ».- We know this boss can change the shape of the planet.- From the moon, we can see the planet is actually made of squares. Doesn’t seem really natural.- And the quick-travel system.

The most obvious thing here. You know what? I played a bit more, and battle the boss again, and I think I saw a really big flaw in my theory.The Ivory is clearly being pomped into the spaceship.Also, if there's a bird to protect it, why did the 'other world' and the 'big moon' explode?This may be another flaw in my theory.Now, I'm just confused about everything. A lot of thing don't make sense.Like. Why would the planet feel better after killing the bird? It started going bad when he still was in space!Why beating the boss-shaping-the-world made the bird come faster?What got out of said boss?

The red thing in the sky? Was that a flare?Why is the bird a mecanic?


Is that just for show?Please don't tell me the bird was just there to refuel, meaning all of that ending is only a big coincidence and nothing else.Maybe he was taking the last ressources before leaving the planet to scrape it?Wouldn't still explain why the planet is better after his death. Also, what are these tickets? There's red one, and white one, they are know only by people in the Project, and they are considered extremely important, and we can see a door where people can use their white ticket, but without knowing what this is about!You know what?I'll play the game again, just to see how I can interpret things now that I know the twist.Oh, and the theory for the planet still holds.Actually, there's a bit more to it.I didn't notice in my first playtrought, but look at those feathers!And just after the first boss. Again, look at the feathers.And to say this is at the very beginning.Well, this seems to support that this planet was actually created by these birds!And Shirsh theory suddently make a lot of sense!

Still, I need to play again to see what's up with this bird.(And to see if I can save Royal with new game + trinckets.)(And to try to appease the 3 mind bosses.). Originally posted by:'Please don't tell me the bird was just there to refuel, meaning all of that ending is only a big coincidence and nothing else.' That's practically the entire point and a major theme of the game. Here's my theory:Once upon a time, the world had no planet spines and did not constantly change shape and appearence as it does today.

(according to Precedes (mentioned by Myron) and research from the Ark (One Concern computers)).Eventually though the planet broke apart, just like the moon. (Mentioned in One Concern PC) And now it seems as if the planet spines and Ivory are like liquid glue keeping the world together. But, the more that is drained the less stable the world becomes likely resulting in the increasing quakes.Ivory not only holds matter together at a sub-microscopic level, but acts a body for the Eyes to control. (As called in a researcher computer in the dark caves, and Ivory property referenced in a One Concern PC). The Ivory is also used as fuel for all of humanities present-day machines.I'm assuming humanity arrived on those Ark ships. If so, the Seeds found in the Isi Ark ship which work on anything that is made from Ivory could imply that it was brought with them. And if the Seeds were created to work on Ivory, then perhaps humanity also created the Ivory present on the planet.Under this theory, I imagine humanity sending Ivory seeds to viable worlds which would prepare a world for colonization, by converting the world's natural materials into more Ivory to be used for everything from fuel to creating life and habitat using the seeds.

However.Something went wrong. Did humanity become over-zealous? Did He discover this world and its Ivory? By converting too much of the world into Ivory, the world and the moon met with earth-shattering consequences. A shattered world. Perhaps that might have been the end for humanity, until He brought the planet spines. Utilizing His technology and the Ivory, humanity may have been saved.

The price however, may have led to humanity's further decline. The masses would worship the He who saved them. While those in charge may understand the price.He probably wanted Ivory, which meant continuing to convert the world itself into Ivory.You can see bits of past civilization swept over by the changing world in places like Blockrock, and technology in the depths of the planet (Blast Zone before the Starworm?).The religion created was to protect the masses. If people knew the world was ending. Even if in a long time, there would be a loss in order and the chances of survival would sink further. One Concern was probably founded to find a way to save humanity, to find a way to start again. But with their ancestor's technology lost.

Everything was bet on mastering Ivory.How was the world saved? Why did the quakes stop? Well, what was left of the world was held together by the planet spines and fluid Ivory which continued to devour the planet's materials. The 'Seeds' are likely not organic 'Seeds' but a catalyst created to give Ivory instructions to make an irreversible change into biological matter, and perhaps other habitable requirements for human life. Placed in the Starworm, connected deep in the Ivory intersection of the planet, and likely connected to Ivory across the world. Suddenly all of that 'glue' became solid matter.

And the types of substances that will be good for humanity.No more Ivory. (it just became scarce I imagine) but maybe the world can be saved?

(Go Iconoclasts team!)Would the world have been doomed if the Starworm had been left alone? Perhaps the world was about to break apart from lack of Ivory. And even though the Starworm didn't seem that huge, we've seen Ivory used for creating all sorts of things. Perhaps the Starworm would simply grow to meet the demand and drain all the Ivory leaving an empty shattered world.Just my current theory. My takeaway was that the planet was a generational mining project from some other planet. The idea was to send down the red control-eyes to perform some terraforming, and then some colony-ships of people to keep extraction moving for a couple generations. The planet spines allow the miners to strip-mine the planet down to the core.Something went wrong with colonization, and the mission became a religion.

It's possible Black was meant to keep everything on track (as an administrator) but lost her memories.The Starworm was supposed to come back in about 50 years when extraction was complete (and probably ferry everyone off planet), but came early when it recieved a distress beacon from the planet spines (a sort of planetary check-engine light). He's ticked when he finds his stuff broken, the storage tanks empty, and an angry albino trying to bust up the company car.Of course, there are some holes in that theory. If you can dispatch a repairman and have him there in less than a day, why wouldn't you keep contact with the colony? If they.were. keeping contact with the colony, why didn't anyone ever say, 'Hey, stop wasting the Ivory and killing the workers in the name of Bob the Repairbird.'

Tree of life nursery plant catalog. It's pretty obvious One Concern knows material facts about what's happening and these aren't explained to the player. I'd like to see an expansion that gives some alternate routes from which to discover some more-explicit exposition—your entire cast is basically ignorant and stupid, after all, except a few higher-ups who know exactly what's happening, so it'd make sense in-universe for someone to eventually decide these people are wrecking too much ♥♥♥♥ and sit down and explain to them like dangerous children with dangerous things what exactly is going on, since they're going to keep breaking it anyway out of their severe ignorance. I think the agents, Mother, and Royal were basically massive ivory receptacles for the Starworm. After One Concern nearly destroyed the planet from ivory mining they were going to escape to the moon where the Starworm would have eaten them.When Royal went there He scanned his mind and found out that the others wouldn't be coming, which prompted him to go to the planet and take whatever ivory was remaining directly.After Robin defeated Him whatever ivory He had was returned to the planet which caused it to be restored at least to some extent.As for what the Starworm pilot even was. It seems pretty clear that the bird people were an ancient race on the planet. My guess is that they were there before the humans came in their Ark after ruining their own planet from mining its ivory (the moon that was falling apart).

Maybe He wanted to preserve the ivory and take it somewhere else before the humans there burned it all up?