Life of black tiger speedrun

The Searching for mushrooms trophy is a bronze trophy and can be received for: The female tiger was injured by the bear. I need mushrooms to cure her. Let’s find mushrooms and cure her.

2017 is just getting started and not only do we have a strong candidate for the worst game of the year, but Life of Black Tiger may well be the most awful title we've ever played on PlayStation 4. Indeed, it may well be the worst game of the console generation so far - it really is stupendously bad, to the point where is an immeasurably more enjoyable experience.Surprisingly, Sony has granted a console license for what is effectively a very basic port of a years-old iOS and Android game. And even on its original platform, Life of Black Tiger is bad - to the point where booting the game up on an iPad 3 sees the game completely fail to load the 3D engine, resulting in a 'start mission' prompt immediately jumping to a 'failed' caption. Playing on an iPhone 6 Plus does get into the game but freezes the phone shortly thereafter, apparently because we're running a recent OS.Booting up the new console version reveals a logo screen proudly revealing that it's powered by the Unity engine. It's easy to prototype game concepts on this platform, but producing an optimised, polished title requires a lot of work - something that Life of Black Tiger clearly lacks. As things stand, the basic idea is simple - the game drops you into one of several ugly, empty maps and asks you to hunt things down or survive for a fixed time.

And that's just about it. Controls are awful and the action is slow, plodding and unresponsive, bookended by screens of text with only a passing familiarity of the English language.The chances are you've watched the video by now or seen one of the PS4 trailers available online - and yes, it really does look and move just like that. Animation is extremely basic and there is no interpolation or any kind of transitional movement in play whatsoever, leaving the titular black tiger to rigidly snap between various directions as you attempt to run in a straight line. Also, bizarrely, there is no real collision detection whatsoever - everything can pass through everything else (attacking an enemy involves holding down the circle button and if an enemy is within a set radius, damage is inflicted). Annoyances even extend to the lack of options - so camera controls are inverted and cannot be changed. Sound is limited to a smattering of samples for each animal and ultra-repetitive background audio. An investigation.Multiplayer is seeming integrated - it's an option on title screen anyway - and from there you pick an animal avatar, such as a bear, wild boss dog (yes really) or even a chicken, but after jumping in, the player list reveals absolutely nobody to play with.

So maybe there's no-one online to play with, but equally, maybe multiplayer just doesn't work? Remarkably, we managed to find someone on our friends list who also owned the game and couldn't set-up a working multiplayer experience at all. Alternatively, maybe the servers are being slammed and just can't keep up with demand.All of which begs the question - what's the actual point of this?

Perhaps there's an argument for opening out the PlayStation Store to all developers, similar to what we see with Steam on the PC, but questions must surely be asked about why Sony has actually allowed this miserable release onto its console. And here's the thing - players are charged $10 for the honour of playing a game that is completely free on mobile platforms. Right now, Life of Black Tiger is only available on the US version of the PlayStation Store.

The EU PSN features no trace of the game whatsoever, thankfully.So it really goes without saying here - we can't recommend this game at all, other than as a form of extremely cruel and unusual punishment. It looks awful, runs terribly (even the FMV sequences aren't smooth) and it lacks any kind of compelling gameplay whatsoever. The worst game we've ever played on PS4?

In Canada, a writer visits the Indian storyteller Pi Patel and asks him to tell his life story. Pi tells the story of his childhood in Pondicherry, India, and the origin of his nickname. One day, his father, a zoo owner, explains that the municipality is no longer supporting the zoo and he has hence decided to move to Canada, where the animals the family owns would also be sold. They board on a Japanese cargo ship with the animals and out of the blue, there is a storm, followed by a shipwrecking. Pi survives in a lifeboat with a zebra, an orangutan, a hyena and a male Bengal tiger nicknamed Richard Parker. They are adrift in the Pacific Ocean, with aggressive hyena and Richard Parker getting hungry. Pi needs to find a way to survive.

Ang lee's life of pi is an adaptation of a 'Man booker prize winner' novel by the same name, written by Yann Martel. It's a story set in the late seventies of an Indian teenager (Pi Patel) who is stranded on a life boat in the pacific.

What distinguishes this tale of survival from the rest is that the author dishes out a delicious slice of creativity in giving the castaway, a tiger for a companion. Yes, like the posters and trailers have you believe, there is a boat on which a man and a tiger have to live! This makes 'life of pi' not only a story of human struggle against nature but also a profound tale that questions 'what separates man from beast?'

More interestingly, 'when does man become a beast'? But worry not, Ang Lee's movie does not force you think on these lines, instead it's a film that lets you enjoy it on so many levels. If you are just looking for a beautiful 3D movie to feast your eyes, Life of pi can be it. If you are in a mood for a thrilling adventure epic on weekend, this is the right ticket. If indeed, you want to experience something thoughtful, Life of pi never forces you on a particular thought, instead it whispers ever so slightly to think about matters of human disposition and finding comfort in convention while caressing your senses with fabulous visuals and background score. Cubic castles hack.

Suraj Sharma debuts as pi with utter sincerity while Irfan Khan(as adult pi) and Tabu(as mother) do justice to their parts. The rest of the supporting cast blend in perfectly too.

Ang lee helms the film with difficult source material with absolute grace and expertise. However there are two true heroes that make Life of Pi work. Firstly the studio and creative director behind the magnificent CGI. The Bengal tiger is perhaps the best animated animal ever created! The angry green eyes, richly textured orange –white striped skin and every hair on its fur look rich and full of life in 3D.And then when your hear the thunderous roar for the first time, you will realize this is as real as it can get! The rest of the animals (a Zebra, an orangutan) look great too.

The lovely blue ocean and its resident creatures are the jewel in the crown. The other hero is the writer David Magee(screenplay) who adapts the novel with near perfection. One gripe the fans of the novel might have is the lack of all the gore descriptions and a particular chapter that deals with the surviving 'French cook'. The addition of these might have pleased the audience who sought for the philosophical undertones from the story but the film would have lost out on the large PG-13 crowd (a fair deal considering the enormous budget). Life of Pi, is a rare masterpiece that stands as a prototype not only for a perfect book adaptation and a 3D movie( sorry avatar, you have just been replaced), but also for a movie based on intricacies of human nature. Now that is simply an impressive triumph of film-making!