Nancy Drew: Danger by Design (Part One). She's so impressed by our tea-making skillz that she's sending us on a mission to find inspiration.

Junior gameSenior gamePress the button and thebox opens. Read the different mails and Nancy will note that the purple one isdifferent than the others. Close the box.Look at Heather'sfashion portfolio on her desk.

Check the pink paperhanging on your desk shelf. Heather wants a stuffed parrot.Port Neuf - Square DuVert Galant: Go to Marchand and see Dieter on the bench.He runs away when Nancy calls out to him. Pick up the s mall clock andthe newspaper clipping about Noisette Tornade.

Read the obituary ofNoisette. Go back to Marchand and buy the parrot for 5 Euros.Abbesses:Go back to the office and hear Minette scream. The things we do.Catch thecockroaches - Take the cover of the chocolate box.

Look around forcockroaches and immediately click the hand cursor on it.There are 9cockroaches. Check the area by the large gears, by the red sofa and underthe dress form platform.A cockroach runsaround on the computer table. Look at the paper on the computer table.

Itis a font selection from Heather. So Heather sent the purple threatening mail.One of the cockroachesruns around the area between the the dress form platform and the computertable. When clicked on, Nancy will follow it behind the boxes and see a letter from theresearcher to Minette. Read the letter and see Lynn's phone number.Once all 9 cockroachesare caught, go to the door and talk to Minette.

There she goes.Exit the room. Now that we saw the obituary, usethe phone to call Lynn, the researcher to learn more about Noisette.Call Lynn Manrique- Go to the phone and call Zippy calling card number. Then dial Lynn's number.Learn about Noisette'slife during the war, immediately after the war and her tenure as Public Workshead.Her last words werered left. Green.If the Day ends: Thenext day, read the newspaper.Port Neuf - Square DuVert Galant: Take the cockroaches-chocolate box out of theinventory and click anywhere in the park. Bye bye.Rue du Bac - Dietervon Schwesterkrank: Talk to Dieter through the closed doorof the dark room. Hmm.Stock pictures - Talkto Dieter second time and he will ask that you help take stock pictures.

Takethe list on the table. It is in French. We need to translate it.Cuckoo puzzle -Go to the fish tank and pan right to see a hole on the wall.

Look at the smallclock in inventory and note that 3 is encircled.Insert the small clockon the hole. See nine small clocks.The aim of the puzzleis to have 3 encircled on all 9 clocks.

Turn the clock to highlight 3. Whencorrectly done, see the panel opens to a secret passage.Study which clockaffects what clock(s).

From there, you turn the one that affects the mostclocks firstand end with ones that do not affect any other clocks.Junior mode: Clock 1affects clocks 2 & 4. Clock 3 affects 6 & 9. Clock 4 affects 7.

Clock 8affects 1 & 3. Clocks 2, 6 & 9 do not affect any other clocks.Senior mode: Clock 1affects clock 2. Clock 2 affects 7.

Clock 3 affects 6 & 9. Clock 4 affects7.Clock 7 affects 9. Clock 8 affects 1 & 3.

Clocks 6 & 9 do not affect any otherclocks.This is a timed puzzle. Junior game - Turn a clock until 3 is encircled. Turn # 8, 1, 4,7, 9, 6.Turn clock 8 until 3 is encircled.Turn clock 1 until 3 is encircled.Turn clock 4 until 3 is encircled.Turn clock 7 until 3 is encircled.Turn clock 9 until 3 is encircled.Turn clock 6 until 3 is encircled.Senior game -Turn a clock until 3 is encircled. Turn # 8, 7, 4, 1, 4, 7, 9, 6.Turn clock 8 until 3 is encircled.Turn clock 7 until 3 is encircled.Turn clock 4 until 3 is encircled.Turn clock 1 until 3 is encircled.Turn clock 4 until 3 is encircled.Turn clock 7 until 3 is encircled.Turn clock 9 until 3 is encircled.Turn clock 6 until 3 is encircled.Secret passage- See a spider. Take a picture of the spider using the camera borrowedfrom Dieter.Camera - Take the camera from inventory and click iton the spider. Press the top button and then center the spider inside theframe. Click and the picture is taken.

Pull back from the camera page showingthe last picture taken. You can delete pictures taken.Nut metal door -Go forward until a metal door with etched nut is seen on the wall.Click to open the door and see a number lock. Underthe lock is a sentence which translates to 'the year our despair ended and theyear my despair began.' Based on Noisette'sobituary, the Cross of Lorraine and some information gathered from Lynn; thewar ended in 1945. The door opens.Take the red bookwith the same nut and an N on the cover. Read the book.See a picture of M380with a code under the picture.

Click on the picture and Nancy will make acomment that it is similar to the paint covered gears in Minette's workroom.Take the graph paper.Turn the page. Readthe letter seen. Take note of the tips:1. Set the 3 dials incorrect position before decoding or encoding a message.

Then type in themessage.2. Never use the enteror return key.3. Ignore punctuationand spaces.4. A circle with aslash is zero.The letter alsomentions the use of Metro system's line or stop numbers for a code. The dateshift ciphers usage is also mentioned. Take note of 3 red asterisks on theletter and the same red pen is used on the M380 writing on the book.Port Neuf - Square DuVert Galant: Go to Marchand. Buy the Code book for 8Euros.

Read the book and take special note of the date shift cipher and dotcipher. Ask him about the decoder. He will trade it for a bottle of Mouton Fouette 1968. Go to Monique and buy theFrench-English Dictionary for the 23Euros.Stock pictures- Use the dictionary to find out what pictures Dieter wants: stapler, spider,candle, skull, cross and teapot. We already have a picture of the spider inthe secret passage.Take a picture of theCross of Lorraine close to the exit of the park.Abbesses: Use the phone and call Zu.

He is a big fan ofJing Jing. Before he would help you, Zu wants an autograph of JJ that states: Zu my loveJing. The autograph is to be placed in the skull at the catacombs of MagdeleineCemetery. Call Hugo Butterly. This call can be done in JJ's place also.Talk to Heather andgive her the parrot. Take a picture of the stapler on your desk. Talk to Minette in herwork room.

Take a picture of the teapot. It's your choice to tell on Heatheror not. If you do tell on Heather, later in the game; Heather will call youabout it.Hotel de Ville - Jean Michel Traquenard: Remember Nancy's commentthat the dials on the M380 decoder is like the dials on the gears at Minette'swork room and that Minette's picture on the magazine under the dress form iscut off.

Talk to Jean Michel. A trade is done. You have to make parfait.Parfait preparation- Study what are the different ice creams or fruits on the counter.Look at the picture ofthe parfait in the booklet. By its color and looks, identify each layer and thenadd those ingredients to the parfait glass.Click on an ingredient andthen click it on the layer that its should go on the parfait glass. The topping is not necessary; it isautomatically added.You can discard awrongly prepared parfait by clicking it on the trash.Ring the bell whendone. If wrong, you have to make one more.Aixois:Whipped Cream, strawberry ice cream, caramel, banana, caramel.L'Enfer:Chocolate, whipped cream, chocolate, whipped cream, berries.Tropical:Bananas, tapioca beads, berries, strawberry ice cream, chocolate.Corbeau:Chocolate, caramel, bananas, caramel, chocolate.Mystique:Tapioca beads, berries, bananas, whipped cream, tapioca beads.Fantasie:Berries, vanilla, tapioca, strawberry ice cream, whipped cream.Loulou:Banana, caramel, banana, caramel, banana.Jean Michel shows thepicture of Minette and the gears.

Note that the gears have arrows pointingto (L-R): IX, V and III.Place Monge - JingJing Ling: Talk to JJ about Zu and autograph. If youtalked to Jean Mi about JJ, you can ask about being tricked to fit forMinette.Play hangman -Ask her about the rules. Guess a word that she is thinking of. There are linesat the bottom of the page that shows how many letters there are in the word. Guess (click) on aletter and she will write down the letters on the side of the page.If a correct letter isselected, it will be placed on the line below the page.If wrong letter isselected, a part of the hangman is drawn. You lose if thehangman's picture is completed before getting the word.Get her autograph- Play hangman with JJ and select the letters: Z U M Y L O V E J I N G.Nancy will tear off thewritten autograph part of the paper.Denfert Rochereau:Take the metro to the catacombs. Go forward and see the skull.

Take a picture ofthe candle and the skull. Place the autograph on one of the eye socket.Abbesses or at JingJing's place:Call Zu. He says that the metal door etching and the cover of the book is ahazelnut - Noisette.

He saw a door with that marking at the catacombs but youwill need a wetsuit to get there. It is waterlogged under the Mouton BeverageCompany.

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Hmm.Rue du Bac - Dietervon Schwesterkrank: Talk to Dieter. He gives a postcardowned by his great uncle. It shows 4 keyholes or key places: catacomb, Moulin(windmill), the Cross of Lorraine and the secret passage through the small clockhere at Dieter's. Each corner has the hazelnut picture. We've seen the one here at the secret passage. Let's check the one at the Cross ofLorraine.Eyes, graph and codes- The other side of the postcard has columns and rows of colored eyes.

Read thedot cipher coding in page 11 - 12 of the code book.Also check the dateshift cipher.Look at the postcard with eyes ininventory, then place the graph paper from book taken from the secret passageover the eyes. See that the eyes fit under certain letters or number.Remember what theresearcher, Lynn Manrique said - that Noisette's last words were red to right, click on all red eyes looking left and all green eyes.Words are formed at thebottom - Sous Lorraine 4154.Port Neuf - Square DuVert Galant:Cross of Lorraine- Look close at the cross. Nancy will say 'bet those numbers are movable'. Clickon 4 1 5 4.See the picture of themouths, the windmill and the fish; the 3 statues here at the park. Take note ofthe characteristics of the mouths, the color of the windmill and the eye of thefish.Mouth Statue - Goto the mouth statue left of Marchand.Turn the handle on theright to arrange the mouths to be similar to that seen on the secret compartmentof the cross.The yellow is slightly open; the blue is open and thered is wide open.Turn the handle on the right 10 timesto get: top - EEEEE, Middle - Ahhhh and bottom - OOOOO.Windmill - Turnthe handle on the right to get the purple petal to be on top. Turn around and hear a squirrelmove the handle.Click left of thewindmill statue and Nancy will make a comment about placing a stake, then astring and then something to make a noise.Go to Malika by thecross and buy string for 3 euros and stake for 10 Euros. Also, buythe Ichi-Do book for 6 Euros.

Read and learn the Chi-cry, the verbalsalute that precedes the moves, It will definitely help later in the game.Go to Monique and buythe flashlight for 3 Euros.Go to Marchand and buythe pie tin for 1 Euro and the wetsuit for 31 Euros.Go back to the windmillstatue and place the stake on the left side. Attach the string and then the pietin.Turn the handle 6xs toget the purple petal to be on top.Fish - Go to the fish waterfountain beside the cross. Press the red button of the water fountain. See thefish's eye light up and the grate opens.Underground tunnel- Go down the ladder.

Go forward until a hazelnut chest. Open the chest andtake the key.Denfert Rochereau:Go forward to the skull. Open the skull and press the red button. A passage openson the right. Enter the passage and see the tunnels.Travel the tunnel- If you hear the tunnel police, go back to any side alcove.

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Wait until you don't hear them anymore.Go forward and see thesewer. Do not cross this plank. Turn right and use the next plank to cross tothe other side. Turn left and enter the first alcove.

Go forward and see thewater. Enter the water and automatically wear the wetsuit.Water maze - Thebottom bar shows how much time Nancy has left before she needs to rise to an airpocket to breathe.Wine bottle -Go forward to the #2 area. 2F, R, diagonal R, enter tunnel, F, Rand see fan and bottle. Take bottle.Now return to the jumppoint place by going the reverse direction. Turn around, F, L, F, F, diagonalR, F to tunnel, F, F.

Breathe!Hazelnut box -Turn around and go forward to the #2 area. 5F, R, F, L, 2F, R, F,L, 2F, R, F, L, 4F, L, 2F, R, F.Hazelnut box lock -Climb the ladder and forward to the hazelnut marked door.

Open it to see thewords written there.Take note of thecolored words: gray Europe, pink Pont Neuf, blue Blanche and purple ChateauRouge.Remember the tips inthe letter found inside the M380 book. One of the tips is about the usage of metro stopsas codes.Europe is a metroline 3 stop; Pont Neuf is a metro line 7 stop; Blanche is a metro line 2stop and Chateau Rouge is a metro line 4 stop.Enter the numbers 3 72 4 on the lock. Take the propeller type key.Go down the ladder and go back tothe landing at the catacombs. Dive down, L, 2F, R, 4F, R, F, L, 2F, R, F, L,2F, R, F, L, 5F.Goforward to the landing and take the clothes on the floor. The rat mightor might not take the decoder book.Let's get out of here. Go forward,right to the plank, cross the plank and forward until daylight.If theDay ends: The next day readthe newspaper about Gunther and Ernst Schmeck, formerly East German SecretPolice accused of smuggling.Port Neuf - Square DuVert Galant: Go to Marchand. Trade the wine bottle for thedecoder.Abbesses:Go to the office.

Go to Minette's door and see a bomb that is attached to herdoor. It will set off when the door is opened. Minette is back there and isgetting antsy about what Nancy is doing.Paint bomb - Open the bombdoor and see connectors that have color and shapes.The paperon the door shows the correct sequences to be done: similar shapes or similar colors.Different colors and different shapes sequences are wrong.Arrange the connectors to connectby similar shapes or color. This is a timed puzzle.Click ona connector and then click it on the one you want to replace or the place youwant to put it on.Decoder:Now that we have the decoder, it is time to decode the M380 code.Look close at thedecoder in inventory. Open the bottom cover and see 3 dials.Turn the dials to the numbers seen on the big gears in Minette's pictureshown by Jean Michel - IX V III onthe 3 dials.Click to go up to a closeup of the paper.Then type in the codetaken from the M380 book using your computer's keyboard. Remember the hintsfrom the letter, no spaces or return key and that circle with a slash is zero.Type:XTI0SMKPQQLNOREZA7LXTI0SMKPQQLNOR3AS7LXTI0SMK3A or check the book. Be carefulof the zeros 0 and the O difference.

Don't worry if no letters appear on thepaper yet. Some letters appear only after 2-3 keys are pressed.The decoded words are: Rouge BlancRouge Bleu Rouge. Check page 4 of the dictionary and see that it translatedto: red, white, red, blue, red.Windmill (Moulin):Now for the fourth key place seen on Han's postcard.Enter the workshop and look at thecentral post in the room. Check right of the blue barrel.

Place the propellerkey on the central post.Windmill lock -See 5 black bars. Change the colors of the bar using the colors decoded fromthe M380 code (top to bottom): red, white, red, blue, red.The windmill turns.Noisette's secret:Go down the trap door and forward until the door. Use the key taken from thehazelnut chest under the fish fountain at the park.Enter and see whatNoisette has taken during the war.Go forward to thestand and take the letter under the glass cover.

Read what Noisette wrote. 3 Roman numerals are seen under her initials: X IV III.Put down the glasscover of the stand and the trap bars are triggered.Lock door -Open the door and see words inscribed on the plate with lines underneath.Check pages 8, 9 and10 of the decoder book. Review the date shift cipher.Code the words- Using a set of numbers, shift the alphabet to the right. For example if oneof the number is 2 and the alphabet to be decoded is C; it will shift to theright 2 places to make C to an E.The set of numbersused to shift the letters here is taken from the M380. Use 380 as the shiftnumber. UNEDERNIEREENIGMECHERAMI0380XVEGMRQQEUMEQQGPMCKMRDUIDecode the new letters usingthe decoder.Enter the 3 Roman numerals underNoisette's initials in the letter. X IV III.Click up to the paper and type inthe coded bold letters seen at the bottom row above.The decoded words are DEUX.UN.CINQ.SE.PTTranslate using the dictionary to 21 5 7.

Nancy drew danger by design tea recipe without

Enter that number on the door.End sequence:Go forward and hear the conspirators. Review the Ichi-Do book bought at thepark. Go up the trap door and take the First lady's dress. Caught!Listen to the shouts that precedethe punches. A certain shout identifies the location of the punches. All ofthe moves are in the Ichi-Do book.FINIWatch for Nancy Drew15: The Creature of Kapu Cave.This document may not bedistributed without express written permission of the author and the contentmay not be altered in any way.For Questions orComments on this Walkthrough,Please write to:Copyright ©7/2006.