Along with working on the upcoming Game Boy Advance version of Crazy Taxi, UK developer Games is also in the works with its second first-person shooter for the system,. The team broke ground in 2001 with its first-generation GBA FPS, Dark Arena; the company's taking what it learned from that development and putting it to use for this original action game.currently without a publisher.puts players in the role of special agent Max Reflex (probably named after a warning label found on weightlifting equipment) as he sets off into enemy territory, trying to pull the cover off a secret crime organization responsible for record levels of crime and corruption in the city. Armed with an assault rifle as the primary weapon, players move through 12 levels of action, structured in 20 different missions. Locations include hotels, subways, airports.even across rooftops in a downtown area. It's all about blowing away the enemies in this game, and luckily there will be a serious amount of weaponry to pick up and utilize.

Players have full control over the environment.they can aim up and down as well as strafe left and right during the action.The game will use Graphic State's new FPS engine for the Game Boy Advance. The engine is much more advanced than the one used in Dark Arena, with features such as fully textured surfaces (ceilings and floors as well as walls), higher resolution and more detailed enemy sprites, more sophisticated enemy AI, destructible environments, animated textures, and some lighting effects thrown in for good measure. All this on top of a smooth framerate. Check out the videos if you don't believe.There's currently no release date for Urban Reflex, but development's currently wrapping up on the it's a good bet that, as long as the game secures a publisher, we should be playing this first-person shooter by this spring or summer. Have a gander at some screenshots and Quicktime videoclips of the game in action by hitting the link below.

I believe CPM has much stronger a/d turning, that is, you can maintain higher speeds with a/d than you can in Reflex.Reflex has stronger +w turning, that is, you can maintain higher speeds with +w than you can in CPM.Reflex has 'triple jumps' where pressing +jump consecutively within in a certain time parameters will give more height. CPM only has a double jump, which I think is much better, as triple jumps are a bit gimmicky (also map breaking, they're essentially free rocket jumps).Reflex has higher ground accel friction., so you get that floating on ice sensation. It's a part of the reason why some of the weapons, especially the rocket launcher, feel so terrible. Players can dodge like neo in the matrix.CPM movement is definitely more consistent, and just overall feels better. Difference between A/D and W turning is that A/D accelerates your character more consistently, whereas with W you need to be turning at a very specific curve to gain speed, in a way that would make conventional movement impossible. Most people who use W don't gain any speed with it. So if W turning was made to be more convenient for sharp turning in Reflex, then that would make Reflex slower by principle.I noticed while playing Reflex race that you lose speed easier with A/D than you would in CPM/defrag.

Piano tiles 2 pc. Additionally, you don't lose speed when you do the same exact turns with W only. I am personally very irritated by this fact. Reflex and CPM movement are both actually very inconsistent, but CPM is without a doubt faster.EDIT: Ground accel has been nerfed in Reflex from max ground speed of around 510 to 460 and is actually slower than CPMA (485) now.

A second option in the air is to do Quake 1 style bunny hopping. By only holding a strafe (no forward this time) and turning in that strafe's direction, you can gain a little bit of speed while changing your direction much faster than Quake 3's strafe jumping. Be warned that if you turn too quickly with this method, you lose speed. If you strafe in the direction your weapon is going, you will make it hit earlier, and faster, that is harder. In the same manner, just spinning in place in the right direction helps as well. Fencing in Mount and Blade on a low ping server is a blast. In addition to these excellent tips- ^ Weapon speed matters in Warband. So does the hit.

There would be an uproar from people who are used to turning with W. Thing with W though is that it does pretty much the same exact thing as A/D does (although currently A/D is nerfed in Reflex but you know what I mean), except you press only one button and don't gain speed with it. It's intuitive for turning yes, but takes half of the movement possibilities away. Is it possible to switch from QW movement to Q3 movement with A/D turning? Will people understand W/S strafing and use it?

Probably not at first. Here's a good video showing what W turning looks like in QW:Notice how he's turning with his mouse fixed on the opponent occasionally? Not possible in Reflex/CPM.It would also then be more consistent in my opinion, if 'one key' turning emulated QW movement and 'two key' turning emulated Q3 movement. As opposed to W/S doing the same damn thing as A/D except without the same benefits.