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Registered Users – Shopping CartRequest for Quote SuperfliteSuperfliteClick on a Product to view details.(2)Sizes only 1/2' & 1/4' 36 yd roll.Used to brace the ribs in the Xpattern before covering.Twice as strong as cottontape. Two sizes available1/2' and 1/4' widths.Synthetic waxed linen cordintended for use in rib stitchingwith Dacron fabric, likethe SF102 Certified Superflitefabric. Conforms tospecification MIL-C-2520A, Type 1.FAA-approved. 500 yards.SF102 CertifiedPolyester/Dacron Fabric -Supeflite 102 is an ultra-fineweave polyester/dacron fabricwith a weave, threadcount, and appearance almostmatching grade A cloth, but it has the superiorstrength and durability of a synthetic cloth.This fabric is easily shrunk by the application ofheat from a calibrated household iron.
2.7 oz persq. FAA-approved (stamped) for Type-Certifiedaircraft. Approximately 72 inches wide. Soldby the yard.SF104A Non-Certified Fabric- A lightweight version ofthe SF102 fabric. Weight is1.7 oz. Forhomebuilt aircraft only. Recommendedfor covering plywoodsurfaces on any aircraft and any ultralightaircraft.
NOT FAA certified. This fabric is notstamped. Soldby the yard.(6)Bias finishing tapes of anystyle are interchangeableand can be used with anyfabric style. Bias tapes havea weave pattern of 45 degreesto the edge, and theyare suggested for installationover compound surfaces - like wingtips and tailsurfaces. The bias tape will stretch to fit the requiredcontour without heat shrinking the edges.(6)Pinked edge tape - madefrom the SF102 certifiedfabric. Weight is 2.7 oz. FAA-approved.Sold in a 50 yard roll.(6)Straight edge tape - cut fromthe SF102 certified fabric.Weight is 2.7 oz.
Sold ina 50 yard roll.(3)Polyester twill tape with adhesivebacking. Apply to fabric in areasbefore rib stitching andriveting over ribs and as ananti-chafing materials onmetal parts to avoid fabricwear.(2)Structure/fiberglass Primer Epoxy for System VI. To be used with metal, fiberglass, and composite materials. Should be mixed with Epoxy Primer Catalyst, SF820, before using.
Mix ratio 2:1. Spray can chromate primers are not suitable, as they will be affected by the solvents. Unopened - Shelf life is 7 years. Opened - Shelf life is 1 year. Pot Life: 1 hour, Allow 30 minutes between coats. Dry time: 8 hours.
Temperatures must be above 65 degrees to cure; 70 degrees is ideal. Available in quarts and gallons.Epoxy Primer Catalyst (1 quart) - FAA approved. To be mixed 2 to 1 - primer to catalyst, with SF80 Epoxy Primer. For application on metal, fiberglass, and other composite materials.
Unopened it has a shelf life of two years. Opened, its shelf life is one month.Created to make the primer more flexible.Mix with the SF6500 Primer Base, theSF6600 Catalyst, and the SF6820 Reducerto create the primer/filler coat. Theflex agent is already mixed into the paint.FAA-approved. Shelf life of 5 years if unopened;1 year if opened. Mix ratio 1primer, 1 catalyst, 1/2 flex agent.For mixture with the Superflite paint to createthe finishing coat. The color is suppliedin quart or gallon kits, and you onlyneed to add a half pint of catalyst to thethree-quarters-full quart can of color, stir,and spray. For a gallon of paint, add 2pints of catalyst.
Leap day william. FAA-approved.(3)For mixture with the Superfliteprimer. It reduces the primer/fillerto make it more 'sprayable'.
Unlimitedshelf life - opened or unopened.Available in 1 gallon cansonly.(3)It's a fast drying engine enamelwith superior adhesion qualities.It reduces with most enamel thinners.Supeflite engine enamel isheat resistant, and it has a high glossfinish. When properly coveredat 77 degrees Fahrenheit,this paint will maintain a sprayableviscosity for an indefiniteperiod of time. Quart cans can shipORMD - No Hazmat fees for ground shipments.Clear Butyrate, 12% Solids -#125. Used beforeSpraFill for build up.
Also usedas a base for the color coat mixtures.Available in gallon, 5 gallonand 55 gallon sizes. Thinwith #131 butyrate thinner.
Thin1:1.Butyrate Thinner #131. Thinnerused with SprayFill #301, andClear Butyrate #125. Available ingallon and 5 gallon sizes.Butyrate Rejuvenator #133 usedduring repair of punctures, tearsand cracks in the dope film.When dope softens, use yourfinger and blend the crack together.Available in gallon and 5gallon sizes.(2)U500-04 Green Tint Adhesive -Mixed with Methyl Ethyl Ketone(MEK) to provide the adhesivefor the fabric and surface tapes.A thin coat of U500 & MEK is theperfect 'glue' for the fabric andtapes. The green tint allows youto see where the glue has beenapplied. FAA-approved.(130)This is the final step for the SystemVI cover and finish system.If you want an extremely durable,long lasting, high-gloss “wetlook” finish, this is the paint touse. This is a specially formulated, catalyst-activated, high solids,low VOC polyurethane thatnot only works great with fabric,it is also the perfect choice foraluminum, fiberglass and composite material.This will prevent ugly mismatches between unlikesurfaces like the engine cowling and the fabric.The magic is perfect every time.
Color choicesare virtually unlimited. Recommended for usewith the complete Superflite System VI. Sevenyear shelf life if unopened. One year shelf life ifopened without catalyst. Fabric primer filler, useSF6500.
Metal primer, use SF10.(2)A flammable liquid ketone used as asolvent and a constituent in manyaircraft finishes. Like MEK, acetoneis quite universally used as a cleaner.It is used to remove lacquer finishesand for clean-up afterpainting. It will soften acrylics or lacquersthat have set-up in sprayguns or hoses. But, it has little effecton polyurethane which has cured inthe gun or lines. When buying acetone, be sureto get only virgin acetone, as recovered acetoneis often so acidic that it can damage anything onwhich it is used. Gallons require hazardous materialfees. Quarts and gallons must be sent UPSground only.(2)An important, low cost solvent similarto acetone.
It is used as acleaning agent to prepare a surfacefor painting and as a stripperfor certain finishes. It removes waxand grease from a surface prior tospraying a finish, and it finds use inthe engine shop around the ignitionand carburetion systems for cleaningand decarbonizing parts. Gallonsrequire hazardous material fees. Quarts andgallons must be sent UPS ground only.(2)Portable spray gun with a capacity of16 oz. Perfect for any small touch upjob.
Sprays enamels, lacquers, epoxycoatings, zinc chromate, acrylics,primers, and more. Detachable containerjar comes with its own cap, allowingfor safe storage of any leftoverpaint.
Cleans up quickly and easilyusing appropriate solvent. Replacementcontainer jar available. Must besent UPS ground only. Can not be sent outside ofU.S.(2)(4)The System 7 reducers are used to thin the fabric primer, epoxy primer, epoxy varnish, and the topcoats.(3)The System 7 primer requires NO flex agent - it's already included! Mixing Ratio: 4 parts SF7500 to 1 part SF7600. Reduce with the 7800-series reducers per the manual instructions.(18).