

Definition of agony noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Supreme ruler 2020 gold mods.

From Ancient Greekἀγωνία(agōnía, emulation, competition, struggle), from ἀγών(agṓn, contest). Death tank alligator.


  • audio (US)
  • (US)IPA(key): /ˈæ.ɡə.niː/


agony (countable and uncountable, pluralagonies)

  1. Violent contest or striving.
    • 1849, Thomas Macaulay, The History of England from the Accession of James II, Chapter 10
      The world is convulsed by the agonies of great nations.
  2. Extreme pain.
    • 1611, King James Version, Luke xxii. 44.
      Being in an agony he prayed more earnestly.
  3. (biblical) The sufferings of Jesus Christ in the garden of Gethsemane.
  4. Paroxysm of joy; keen emotion.
    With cries and agonies of wild delight. (Can we date this quote by Alexander Pope and provide title, author's full name, and other details?)
  5. The last struggle of life; death struggle.


  • anguish, torment, throe, distress, pang, suffering
  • See also Thesaurus:agony


  • (extreme pain):ecstasy

Related terms[edit]

  • agonist, antagonist, protagonist
  • agonize, agonise


  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 苦恼(zh), 烦闷(zh)
  • Dutch: doodsangst(nl)f, doodsstrijd(nl)m, agonie(nl)f
  • Finnish: kamppailu(fi), taistelu(fi), taistelu(fi)
  • French: agonie(fr)f
  • German: Qual(de)f, Todeskampf(de)m
  • Icelandic: kvöl(is)n, þjáning(is)f
  • Interlingue: agonie
  • Italian: agonia(it)f
  • Portuguese: agonia(pt)f
  • Romanian: agonie(ro)f
  • Russian: аго́ния(ru)f(agónija)
  • Spanish: agonía(es)f
  • Swedish: kval(sv)
  • Volapük: letod
  • Bulgarian: мъки(bg)(mǎki), гърчене(bg)(gǎrčene), агония(bg)(agonija)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 极大的痛苦
  • Dutch:
  • Esperanto: angoro(eo), dolorego
  • Finnish: tuska(fi)
  • French: agonie(fr)f, angoisse(fr)f
  • German: Agonie(de)f, Qual(de)f, Pein(de)f
  • Greek: οδύνη(el)f(odýni), μαρτύριο(el)n(martýrio)
  • Icelandic: kvöl(is)n, þjáning(is)f
  • Interlingue: agonie
  • Italian: dolore(it)f(pain), angoscia(it)f(of mind)
  • Kurdish:
    Sorani: ژان(ku)(jan)
  • Manx: aaghaerm, angaaishm, ard-phianm
  • Maori: mamae inati
  • Mirandese: agonief
  • Polish: agonia(pl)f
  • Portuguese: agonia(pt)f
  • Romanian: agonie(ro)f, suferință(ro)f
  • Russian: страда́ние(ru)n(stradánije)
  • Spanish: agonía(es)f, angustia(es)f
  • Swahili: dhiki(sw)
  • Swedish: vånda(sv)c
  • Turkish: acı(tr), ızdırap(tr), kıvranma(tr)
  • Volapük: letod
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: (感情的) 迸发
  • Finnish: huuma(fi)
  • German: Freudenausbruchm
  • Italian: parossismo(it)m
  • Russian: вы́плеск эмо́цийm(výplesk emócij)(colloquial)
  • Turkish: kıvranma(tr)
  • Bulgarian: агония(bg)(agonija)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 临死的挣扎
  • Dutch: doodsstrijd(nl)m, agonie(nl)f
  • Finnish: kuolinkamppailu(fi), agonia(fi)
  • French: agonie(fr)f
  • Georgian: აგონია(agonia)
  • German: Agonie(de)f, Todeskampf(de)m
  • Greek: επιθανάτια αγωνίαf(epithanátia agonía)
  • Italian: agonia(it)f
  • Kazakh: жанталас(jantalas)
  • Ngazidja Comorian: kongoo
  • Polish: agonia(pl)f
  • Portuguese: agonia(pt)f
  • Romanian: agonie(ro)f
  • Russian: аго́ния(ru)f(agónija)
  • Spanish: agonía(es)f
  • Swedish: dödskampc
  • Turkish: kıvranma(tr), can çekişme
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables, removing any numbers. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. See instructions at Wiktionary:Entry layout#Translations.
  • Telugu: (please verify)బాధ(te)(bādha)
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a. The suffering of intense physical or mental pain: The injured soldier writhed in agony.
b. An instance of such suffering: the agonies of adolescence.
2. A sudden or intense emotion: 'Jones then fell upon his knees, and kissed her hand in an agony of joy'(Henry Fielding).
3. A violent, intense struggle, especially the struggle that precedes death.
[Middle English agonie, from Old French, from Late Latin agōnia, from Greek agōniā, from agōn, struggle, from agein, to drive; see ag- in Indo-European roots.]


(ˈæɡənɪ) n, pl-nies
2. the suffering or struggle preceding death
3. pile on the agony put on the agony turn on the agony informalBrit to exaggerate one's distress for sympathy or greater effect
4. (Journalism & Publishing) (modifier) relating to or advising on personal problems about which people have written to the media: agony column; agony writer.
[C14: via Late Latin from Greek agōnia struggle, from agōn contest]


(ˈæg ə ni)
n., pl. -nies.
1. extreme and generally prolonged pain or suffering.
2. the struggle preceding natural death: mortal agony.
4. a display or outburst of intense mental or emotional excitement.
[1350–1400; Middle English agonye (< Anglo-French) < Late Latin agōnia < Greek, =agṓnagon + -ia-y3]
Noun1.agony - intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain; 'an agony of doubt'; 'the torments of the damned'
torment, torture
hurt, suffering - feelings of mental or physical pain
2.agony - a state of acute pain
hurting, pain - a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder; 'the patient developed severe pain and distension'
throe - severe spasm of pain; 'the throes of dying'; 'the throes of childbirth'
Passion of Christ, Passion - the suffering of Jesus at the Crucifixion


nounsuffering, pain, distress, misery, torture, discomfort, torment, hardship, woe, anguish, pangs, affliction, throesHe accepted there would be agony for the remaining children.


nounA state of physical or mental suffering:
affliction, anguish, distress, hurt, misery, pain, torment, torture, woe, wound, wretchedness.
büyük ıstırapıstırap


1. (physical) → dolormagudo
I was in agony
2. (mental) → angustiaf
to suffer agonies of doubtestar atormentado por las dudas
to be in an agony of impatienceimpacientarse mucho
it was agony!¡fue fatal!
the play was sheer agonyla obra era una birria
see alsopile onB
3. (= final agony, death agony) → agoníaf
he was in his final or death agonyestaba agonizando
B.CPDagony auntN (Brit) → columnistafdelconsultoriosentimental
agony columnN (Brit) → consultoriomsentimental
agony uncleN (Brit) → columnistamdelconsultoriosentimental


the agony of watching a loved one suffer → l'insoutenable souffrance de voirsouffrir un être aimé
to be in agony → souffrir le martyre
He was in agony → Il souffrait le martyre.
The blow made him scream in agony → Le coup le fitpousser un cridéchirant.agony aunt n(British)rédactrice f du courrier du cœuragony column ncourrierm du cœuragony uncle n(British)rédacteurm du courrier du cœur


Qualf; that’s agonydas ist eine Qual; it’s agony doing thates ist eine Qual, das zu tun; to be in agonySchmerzenorQualenleiden; in an agony of indecision/suspense etcin qualvollerUnentschlossenheit/Ungewissheitetc; put him out of his agony(lit)mach seiner Qual ein Ende; (fig)nun spann ihn doch nicht länger auf die Folter; to go through or suffer agonies
(= death agony)Todeskampfm, → Agonief; (of Christ)Todesangstf


(Brit Press inf):
agony aunt
agony column
agony columnist
agony uncle


[ˈægənɪ]n (pain) → dolorematroce; (mental) → angoscia, tormento
I was in agony → avevo dei doloriatroci, soffrivoatrocemente
to suffer agonies of doubt → avere dei dubbiatroci


(ˈӕgəni) plural ˈagonies noun
great pain or suffering. The dying man was in agony; agonies of regret. lyding عَذَابْ، ألَم شَدِيد агония agonia muka, utrpení die Qual smerte; angst; dødskamp οδύνη, πόνοςagonía piin عذاب tuska agonie; douleur intense יסורים, ייסורים, סבל, כאב व्यथा agonija gyötrődés penderitaan kvöl, þjáning agonia もだえ, 苦しみ 고뇌 agonija agonija; mokas penderitaan kwellingsmerte; angst; dødskampagonia, udręka عذاب agonia agonie; chin агония, мука agónia; muky agonija velika patnja vånda ความทรมาน büyük ıstırap 極大痛苦 агонія; передсмертні муки اذیت ، تکلیف đau đớn 极度痛苦
ˈagonized, ˈagonised adjective
showing agony. He had an agonized expression on his face as he lost the match. gefolterde مُتَألِّم، مُتَعَذِّب агонизирам agoniado zoufalý, zmučený gequält pinefuld, smertefuld πονεμένοςagónico ahastav حاکی از رنج tuskastunut d'angoisse מעונה व्यथित bolan megkínzott, aggodalmas, kétségbeesett memperlihatkan penderitaan, menderita sekali angistar-, þjáningar- angosciato もだえ苦しんだ 고통스러운 kankinio, skausmingas mokpilns menderita gekweld pinefull, smertefullśmiertelny, udręczony رنځیدلی aflito chinuit мучительный zúfalý, zmučený na smrt izmučen izmučen plågad ทุกข์ทรมาน ıstıraplı, acı dolu 露出極大痛苦的 болісний, болючий درد سے بے تاب đau đớn 感到极度痛苦的
ˈagonizing, ˈagonising adjective
causing agony. an agonizing pain. folterend مُؤلِم، مُبَرّح، مُوجِع агонизиращ agonizante mučivý, trýznivý quälend uudholdelig οδυνηρόςangustioso piinav جانگداز tuskallinen atroce גוֹרֶם סֶבֶל दुखदायी bolan kínzó, gyötrő; agonizáló menimbulkan penderitaan skelfilegur, kveljandi straziante もだえさせる 아프게 하는 kankinatis mokošs menyeksakan martelend uutholdelig dręczący کړیدل aflitivo chinuitor мучительный mučivý neznosen razdirući kvalfull, plågsam ซึ่งสร้างความเจ็บปวดทางใจและกายอย่างมาก ıstırap verici, acı veren 造成極大痛苦的 агонізуючий, нестерпний اذیت ناک ، تکلیف دہ gây đau đớn 使人极度痛苦的,剧烈的(痛)
agonizingly, agonisingly adverb
folterend بِألَم شَدِيد، بِوَجَع агонизиращо agonizantemente mučivě quälend uudholdeligt οδυνηράangustiosamente piinavalt بطور جانکاه tuskallisesti atrocement בְּסֶבֶל दुखद रूप से bolno kínzóan, gyötrően menderita skelfilega; á kvalafullan hátt atrocemente もだえ苦しんで 고통을 주면서 skausmingai mokoši penuh penyiksaan martelend uutholdelig boleśnie په کړیدلی توګه aflitivamente în agonie мучительно mučivo neznosno mučno kvalfullt, plågsamt อย่างทุกข์ทรมาน büyük ıstırap içinde 極度痛苦地 нестерпно اذیت ناک طور پر một cách khổ sở 极度痛苦地


أَلَمْ utrpení pineQualαγωνίαagonía tuskaagonie agonijaagonia 苦悶 고통kwellingpineagoniaagoniaагония vånda ความทรมานıstırap cơn đau đớn痛楚


1. sufrimiento extremo;


n agonía, dolor intenso, angustia extrema
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