Here's the part where I might lose you. The game takes place in the protagonist's mind, as he struggles through his fractured psyche to reach the thalamus, that part of the brain which regulates sensory input, consciousness and so forth. Hence, the title. And, the thing is, the protagonist's in a coma. And he's looking for his sister. And maybe his daughter.Yeah, I know.

It's like a checklist of poignant game cliches. Only it isn't. The game's an exploration of these themes, and a deconstruction of the usual 'salvation' narrative.

It's exceptionally smart. And not what you'd be expecting if you read a blurb on paper. It does some terrific things with how it explores the way the mind works, what we convince ourselves of and how we view the external world.

MIND: Path to Thalamus is a First Person Puzzler that throws you into a fantastic and surreal environment. You will bend the natural elements to your will in order to progress in this emotive, mindbending tale. Aug 18, 2014  C arlos Coronado’s Mind: Path to Thalamus isn’t a subtle game. The title and in-game chapter labels reveal that you’ll be traveling through a person’s mind, specifically toward the thalamus, which essentially bridges and processes the brain’s information, leveraging this.

It's a story about redemption and salvation, sure, but in unexpected and emotive ways. Ways designed to appeal to the cynical part of our brain that's just a little bit sick of these feel-good personal pilgrimages.It's not just the narrative that's intelligent either. Sakura space nutaku. The puzzle design is superb. It starts off a little simple, playing with reflection and spatial awareness to solve some basic traversal puzzles, then eventually introduces magical orbs, which can be placed in certain locations to control the weather, the day/night cycle and more.

Detailing them all would ruin some of the discovery, but the way you utilise your environment and the orbs on hand grows increasingly smarter as the game progresses.An early puzzle involves an orb which is only visible in darkness. What's seemed like a fairly uneventful trek through a cave soon turns into a candlelit jaunt around winding corridors, using meagre light sources to mark your way as you head outside, looking for the glowing orb you need to activate a portal elsewhere.


Later on, rickety paths across stunning lakes and rivers can only be accessed when it's raining. Or you find yourself in a mist-covered meadow, following a beam of light to track the location of the orb that'll let you clear away the fog and see what faces you.Eventually, more systems are introduced, throwing in some smart use of physics and control of the environment. Some puzzles feel like extended, natural Rube Goldberg machines; trigger one environmental hotspot after preparing a chain of actions which set a number of events in motion.It's stunning. You'll find yourself emerging from lichen-encrusted caves into sun-dappled meadows, watercolour clouds overhead just hinting at a future storm. You'll find yourself on desolate beaches, or walking through an autumnal forest.

You'll float among the clouds, and descend into the deepest icy caves, all the while keeping the Thalamus - here represented by a huge blossom tree - in sight.It's a remarkable, uplifting and refreshing experience. The environmental storytelling alone is enough to tug on the heart strings, and when the plot's concluded it's impossible not to feel a ray of hope, like sunlight through the clouds, clearing away the fog.For a game made by a team of any size, Mind: Path to Thalamus would be incredibly impressive. For a game made by such a small independent team, it's a masterstroke. Stunning, intelligent, fun, with wonderful puzzle mechanics and a thought provoking denouement, Mind: Path to Thalamus is a game that deserves to be remembered for a long time to come.

About this product Change the entire environment!Wrapped in a mind-bending tale, the gameplay of “MIND” focuses on changing the very weather in order to solve puzzles: the player will cycle between day and night, modify the levels of fog and rain and even travel in time between seasons, changing the environment to advance the gameplay-driven story —indeed, the mechanics are directly related to who the protagonist is, what has happened to him and everything he is doing: a man trapped in his own mind, he must use all the tools at his disposition to escape to reality. Accompanied by the snarky yet heartfelt narration of this comatose patient, the player will guide him through fantastical forests, dark caverns and deceptive worlds of water and ice that directly relate to his emotional state at each point in his journey.

Enhanced Edition Features. Play the game in Virtual Reality for a full immersive experience. System requirements refers to the hardware and software components of a computer system that are required to install and use software efficiently.The software manufacturer will list the system requirements on the software package. If your computer system does not meet the system requirements then the software may not work correctly after installation. System requirements for operating systems will be hardware components, while other application software will list both hardware and operating system requirements.System requirements are most commonly seen listed as minimum and recommended requirements. The minimum system requirements need to be met for the software to run at all on your system, and the recommended system requirements, if met, will offer better software usability.

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