Mitosis Flipbook. Mitosis Flipbook. Mitosis Flipbook. Mitosis Flip Book Grading Rubric. The flip book must include all of the following. Your grading scale will be out of 30 total points. Includes all 6 phases of the cell cycle 10pts. Each phase includes all necessary parts (centrioles, chromosomes, spindle fibers, etc) 5pts.

MITOSIS & MEIOSIS Alesia Sanchez


What is Mitosis?• Mitosis is the process in which a cells nucleus and its content divide into half and create two identical nuclei or daughter cells after cytokinesis.• Mitosis has four phases which include: Prophase • Metaphase • Anaphase • Telophase• Before Mitosis there is Interphase, and after Mitosis there is cytokinesis (both Process)

Prophase• Before mitosis, there is a process called interphase that makes the cell grow and replicates the organelles and the DNA.• Prophase is the first phase in mitosis.• Copied DNA condenses into chromosomes.• Nucleolus disappears.• Nuclear membrane breaks down.• Spindle fibers form in the cytoplasm.

Metaphase• Spindle fibers line up the chromosomes in the middle of the cell.• Shortest phase in mitosis.

Anaphase• Spindle fibers separate the two sister chromatids from each other to opposite sides of the cell.• The cell begins to lengthen.

Telophase• A nuclear membrane forms around the separated chromosomes.• Chromosomes begin to unwind.• Spindle fibers disappear.• Two identical nuclei form.• Cells are completely divided by the process of cytokinesis.


What is Meiosis?• Meiosis is a process in which one diploid cell divides and makes four haploid cells.• It is a process that only occurs during the formation of sex cells.• There is meiosis l and meiosis ll.• As in mitosis, each part of meiosis has four phases which include:

MEIOSIS I Sperm and Egg

Meiosis I• A reproductive cell goes through interphase before starting the process of meiosis I.• During interphase the cell grows and duplicates its chromosomes.

Prophase I• Homologous chromosomes come together and form pairs.• Membrane that surrounds the nucleus breaks apart, nucleolus disappears.

Metaphase I• Homologous chromosome pairs line up in the center of the cell.• Spindle fibers get attached to each chromosome.

Anaphase I• Chromosome pairs are separated and pulled to opposite sides of the cell.• Sister chromatids stay together.

Telophase I• A nuclear membrane forms around each group of duplicated chromosomes.• The cytoplasm divides through cytokinesis.• Two daughter cells form.• Sister chromatids stay together.


Meiosis II• Process that occurs after meiosis I• Daughter cells that remain together go through a second division of the nucleus and cytoplasm.

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Prophase II• Chromosomes in the cells are not duplicated again, they stay as condense, thickened sister chromatids.• Both the nuclear membrane and the nucleolus disappear.

Metaphase II• The pairs of sister chromatids line up in the middle of the cell.

Mini warriors crystal glitch. Anaphase II• The sister chromatids of the duplicated chromosomes are pulled away from each other to opposite sides with spindle fibers.

Telophase II• The last phase of meiosis.• Nuclear membranes are formed for each cell around the cells chromosomes.• The cells are completely divided with the process of cytokinesis, four haploid cells form.