Welcome to the Stick RPG Wiki! Welcome to the Stick RPG Wiki, the in-depth encyclopedia about Stick RPG Complete, a game developed by XGen Studios. Proudly featuring 190 articles and recording 235 files, 3,923 pages and 6,827 edits! Welcome to the 2D Universe! This wiki is for the original Stick RPG that was created by XGen Studios. It was released on January 3, 2003. You can visit their.

Stick RPG Complete Submitted by: RM Cheat mode: Enter HEYZEUS!!!! As a user name to get 555 Stats and 10,000 to start the game. Save money: Start with your intelligence at maximum, then get a job and keep getting promotions until you are the CEO. Do not increase anything else or do anything else until you are Ceo with an intelligence level of 250. Then, stop increasing intelligence until you get a penthouse with a television. Watch the news until you have about 330 intelligence.

You can then hot wire the car. The car is like the skateboard except faster and cooler. Easy money: First, start a bank account. You do not need much, but the more the better. Next, go into your apartment and sleep for a few days. The interest in the bank will earn money slowly. The more money you have, the more you will receive.

This is very useful if you are trying to get a few stats. Buy the items that raise all of the stats when you sleep. Each night you sleep, you will get better. When you have 999 Intelligence, Charm, and Strength, get to -100 Karma by doing a lot of Drug deals and bar fights. Notice that you will receive an invitation in your home to join in an Election. Click on the 50,000 Election and you should win it. After that, sleep and you will get $5,000 a day.

Save the game, then play blackjack. Bet all your money. If you lose, refresh and try again. Save the game each time you win more money. Note: While playing blackjack is an easy way to get money, it takes a long time to click the chips to bet. Instead, do not click them.

Press Tab until the 500 chip is selected then hold Enter for a faster method. Red car: If you get over $500 you will get a new car. Commodities: While doing Commodities, before you leave the bus station to sell, make sure you have agun with 99 ammunition.

Also make sure that you pump up Strength and Charm and lower your Karma for extra safety. Darts: When doing the darts, go for the lighter dart board. Convertible: Start out with unlimited intelligence and get the job of the CEO. Follow the first car cheat and get to day 381. Then, press C and you should be in a red convertible. President or Dictator: When it is 2,000 days and you have a castle and lots of money (200,000), you should be invited to have an election.

For Dictator, have $200,000, Karma -100, 850+ Stats, CEO, and a castle ($500,000). For President, have $200,000, Karma 100, 750+ Stats, CEO, and a castle ($500,000). Funny messages 1: Whenever your stickman gets run over by a car, he will get one of three messages. One is from Sticknews, another from You Hit, They Run law agency, and the final one is is from Cash for Skidmarks' Inc. Funny messages 2: Give the boy who wants smoke exactly ten of them. He will die and you will get a message from a detective.

Red Stickman: Keep robbing places. Kill kid on the corner: Keep giving the kid on the corner of the street cigarettes. He will eventually die from too much smoke inhalation. Sleeping: If you are trying to sleep very quickly, press Tab twice, Enter, Tab, Enter and repeat. Hint: Submitted by: Brandon to wake up at 12:00 am everyday, get a job or the HEYZEUS!!!! And purchase an alarm clock. This should wake up a little earlyer, next buy as many nicatinue pills as possible because every pill used + alarm clock will wake you up at 12:00 am Hint: Submitted by: nathan start the game enter HEYZEUS!!!!

Get 999 of charm intellagence and streinth get castle check email erace it you will get a lottory if its not when you leave the castle is in the bank choose 50000 you win go to bed you get 5000 each day hey you deserve it for all your hard work im still getting my presidensial account bye Easy money: Get an alarm clock ($200) and caffeine pills. You will be able to work four times a day.

For a CEO this results in $2,400 per day. Note: This is also how you get a bus ride. Good karma: Go to the bum by the bar and keep giving him money. You will get good karma in return. Hint: Submitted by:adam if you start a new game and keep working as a CEO and dont rob any places you will get a white stick man.

Hint: Submitted by: Daniel Householder to get a red stickman you can either kill the kid on the block and make a lot of deals in las vegas, you can also get into some barfights or you can rob places a lot Hint: Submitted by:tim get some money then go to the bank and deposite all but 1 dollar. Then go to casino and play black jack click on the token that says 0 on it and a 0 will be added to your money. You can repeat this as long as you want. Very Easy money: Submitted by: david first become presedenant then sleep for 50 days put all your money in the bank and keep doing this. Hint: Submitted by: Boaba DO YOU NEED MOR MONEY?

Buy 10 cocain or beer and travel to NJ or LA by bus. Make sure you have a cell phone and a gun with atleast 90 ammo. Sell your comidates and you will get a BIG profit. Hint: Submitted by: PMan Hi i have just found out a new hint for Stickman RPG: When you get your intelligence up to 330 you can steal a car but if you already have a yellow/red car go to sleep untill day 364 and you should get a message saying Congratz you have been playing for a game year and you will recieve A BRAAANNNDD NEEEEWWW SPOORRRTTTSS CCAAARRRRbye Moon walk: So to do the moon walk you hold up left right then you look like you walking forward but your going backwards Sports Car: After 365 stick days you should wake up and get some mail and a sports car! Changing colors: Purple - Win a lot of bar fights White - Become President Red - Rob banks Blue - Start of game Hint: Submitted by: ya mum to get easy money get all your cash out of the bank exepet for 1 doller and go to the casino and bet all of it al if u loose get out of it then back in to iit then u should still have all your cash.

And if u win go save it then do it all over again keep doing this until u have alot of cash Money Trick: Use the following trick for easy money and decreased Karma. Buy 20 pieces of cocaine from the person besides the pawn shop. Make sure every time you wake up it is midnight so you could catch up to the bus.

Go to Los Angeles and sell the cocaine you bought for easy money. It is possible that your stick will be red.

Cool car: To get a cool car get unlimited time and sleep until the number says like 365 which is a year. If you slept for a year in stick RPG then you get a cool car I guess. It happened to me.

Take a bus: Get a alarm clock then get caffine pills go to sleep then go to the bus station and pik anywhere u want to go but its not wat u think it is. Cybermotion igggames. Wake Up Car: After you have hotwired the car by your home, enter it and go to your inventory.

Press the go home button and go to sleep. After you wake up the next day, save your game and leave your home.

You should start off inside your car. Hint: Submitted by: keith Make your car do the moon walk press up left and right together it you'll moon walk Hint: Submitted by: hub first, buy a computer. The stocks can not go below 1 dollar. Buy as much of it as u can at 1 dollar than wait till it doubles or triples, easy & fast money. Hats: Go to twilly in Falconreach and put minigame prises. Win big: If your new to this game listen to me.

First make sure you are playing stick rpg complete. Now make your name HEYZEUS!!!! Make sure you typed all of the!!!!

Marks and its all in caps. Now youy shold be playing. If you want to be prez or dictator follow this: prez=999 in all stats, 100 karma, a castle, a convetable, a ceo, and your stick figure has to be white.

Dictator= 999 in all stats, -100 karma, a castle, a convertable, a ceo, and your stick has to be red. You have to wait 2000 days to have election and you need $20000. Skateboard tricks: When you have a skateboard and want to do a trick, hold Shift and press Left, Right, and Up. Easy Money: Use the following trick for easy money and decreased Karma. Buy 20 pieces of cocaine from the person besides the pawn shop. Make sure every time you wake up it is midnight so you could catch up to the bus.

Go to Los Angeles and sell the cocaine you bought for easy money. It is possible that your stick will be red. Hint: Submitted by: Josh To get a red stick, just rob the bank a whole lot. You dont have to get away with money to turn red. You just have to have a gun with ammo, and click 'Rob the place' when your at the bank and eventually, you will turn red Hint: Submitted by: joseph complete cheats:codes,HEYZEUS!!!!

Tips,Sleep for 365 days(1 year) you will get a messege and press c and you can drive a hot rod or to get the yellow car neer apartment and hotwire it by geting 370 intelegence,become CEO evrey day do job and when you get enogh funds you can by a mansion tv satlite (for tv) computer bed!! More information email me at jprgameboy@hotmail.com Hints: Submitted by: willever steps for ultimate game GOOD 1 HEYZUES!!!! Improtant (!!!!) 4 =555 all stats, $10000 2 go to the house click on the car at your house hotwire it.