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NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - Danielle Steel tells a riveting story of the dark side of motherhood.Zoe Morgan's childhood was marked by her younger sister's tragic illness, watching as her parents dedicated themselves completely to her final days and then divorced. As a young woman driven by these painful memories, Zoe sets the bar high for herself, studying hard and NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - Danielle Steel tells a riveting story of the dark side of motherhood.Zoe Morgan's childhood was marked by her younger sister's tragic illness, watching as her parents dedicated themselves completely to her final days and then divorced. As a young woman driven by these painful memories, Zoe sets the bar high for herself, studying hard and pursuing a career in the nonprofit world, where her deep compassion for disadvantaged children finds a focus.When Zoe falls in love and has her own child, she is determined to be a perfect mother as well. But before long, old scars long dormant begin to pull Zoe to the edge of an abyss too terrifying to contemplate.As Zoe is haunted by the ghosts of the past, her story will become a race against time and a tale of psychological suspense that no reader will soon forget. People do not always see, or never see, what is going on with another person. She was in denial and very ill and really not a happily ever after People do not always see, or never see, what is going on with another person. She was in denial and very ill and really not a happily ever after not agree.

Was written perfectly, and do not want to spoil for other readers what she suffered from. It unfortunately has a diagnosis and hope no one ever has to know from. Kudos, Danielle Steel p,s, a pre mediated,:) & possible ending. Enjoyed and learned something new.Bravo. The Dark Side by Danielle Steele is a 2019 Delacorte Press publication.This book is a bit of a departure for Danielle Steele. The title gives readers fair warning that this book might address some distressing subject matter, and the emotions evoked are not the same as those one might feel when reading most of her other books.The story revolves around Zoe Morgan, a woman who endures a sad, tragic childhood, but still manages to become successful, eventually finding love and getting married.

The Dark Side by Danielle Steele is a 2019 Delacorte Press publication.This book is a bit of a departure for Danielle Steele. The title gives readers fair warning that this book might address some distressing subject matter, and the emotions evoked are not the same as those one might feel when reading most of her other books.The story revolves around Zoe Morgan, a woman who endures a sad, tragic childhood, but still manages to become successful, eventually finding love and getting married. Although Zoe and her husband, Austin, had trouble conceiving, they eventually welcomed a beautiful baby girl.

But, the ghost of Zoe’s past intrudes upon her intentions of being the perfect mother.One can’t say very much about this book without revealing too much of the plot. I will say that for those who are familiar with popular crime shows, or who read crime fiction on a regular basis, nothing in this novel will come as a big shock- and you will probably catch on to where the plot is headed very early on.Therefore, for me, the story was very predictable, the main suspense factor being the fear that the character’s slow dawning will come too late. Despite that, the book is compulsively readable and because of its brevity, I had no trouble reading it in one sitting. I did feel as though the book was rushed through, though, and the writing didn’t live up to Steele’s usual quality.This book covers some familiar ground for me, as it was a hot topic for shows like Law & Order and thriller/ suspense novels, especially during the late 1990s and early 2000s. However, this specific topic seems to be cropping up again with ever increasing regularity.

This is the third book in the past year I’ve read with a similar plot.Still, the subject matter is absolutely riveting and is one that often leaves me feeling conflicted. I felt queasy and horrified, but also found that the circumstances in this novel made me take a harder look at the psychology surrounding the issue at hand.Overall, this book is effective and suspenseful, thought-provoking and sad, even though I was not as shocked by it as other readers might be. The material is not new for me, but despite that, it was a compelling enough story, and I’m still glad I read it. Chameleon run unblocked games. However, it didn’t satisfy my craving for one of Steele’s traditional storylines. So, I’m off to pick another one her books- maybe an older one, this time.3.5 stars.

Now this is the reason that I never veer far from my reading roots. I started my avid reading years ago with writers like Danielle Steel who could weave a story so well you were right in between the pages and the lives she created.This book was without exception a fast read because you wont want to put it down.

If you do, it will play on your mind until you pick it up again.As the blurb says, Zoe hasnt had the best starts and losing her sister at an early age, her mother not coping and ZoeNow this is the reason that I never veer far from my reading roots. I started my avid reading years ago with writers like Danielle Steel who could weave a story so well you were right in between the pages and the lives she created.This book was without exception a fast read because you won’t want to put it down. If you do, it will play on your mind until you pick it up again.As the blurb says, Zoe hasn’t had the best starts and losing her sister at an early age, her mother not coping and Zoe really having to “get on with it” has bound to have affected her.I love how the author digs deep. I admire how the author has incorporated her research on a topic that is hard to prove and hardly talked about or, indeed, misrepresented.A fabulous read that if enjoyed every step of the way. Danielle Steel is one of those iconic authors that I have been reading for years and years and now find myself lucky enough to be sent review copies to continue that tradition. With such a huge catalog of material one might expect for things to get stale along the way but as my rating should indicate that was far from the case.The Dark Side was a pretty good title for this latest novel since its definitely not a smiley contemporary or looking for love type of book this time around.

When we join Danielle Steel is one of those iconic authors that I have been reading for years and years and now find myself lucky enough to be sent review copies to continue that tradition. With such a huge catalog of material one might expect for things to get stale along the way but as my rating should indicate that was far from the case.The Dark Side was a pretty good title for this latest novel since it’s definitely not a smiley contemporary or looking for love type of book this time around.

When we join Zoe Morgan and start reading her story we learn of her tragic background and losing her sister as a child which strained her relationship with her parents. Now Zoe is going to be a parent herself but is she ready for that?I don’t really want to say anymore on what this one is about other than all the boundaries of motherhood and parenting get tested. It’s normal for me to fly right through a Danielle Steel novel however this one took “page turner” to another level with the psychological suspense keeping me on the edge of my seat. My internal voice argued all the way wondering just how things would work out, what a ride.I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.For more reviews please visit. 5 Riveting & Dark StarsIn her new novel, Danielle Steel tells a riveting story of the dark side of motherhood.Let me tell you, Danielle Steel has not disappointed me yet. She is one of my favorite authors, so when I had a chance to read this advanced copy I was totally excited!

The Dark Side is completely different from her previous books, it takes a look at the darker side of motherhood. This is well-written, dark, and completely 'unputdownable' - she takes on a subject that is seriously 5 Riveting & Dark StarsIn her new novel, Danielle Steel tells a riveting story of the dark side of motherhood.Let me tell you, Danielle Steel has not disappointed me yet.

She is one of my favorite authors, so when I had a chance to read this advanced copy I was totally excited! The Dark Side is completely different from her previous books, it takes a look at the darker side of motherhood. This is well-written, dark, and completely 'unputdownable' - she takes on a subject that is seriously overlooked in our society. This story was so well thought out and she writes so flawlessly in a way that has you wanting more and you just have to keep reading.A must read. Highly Recommend!.Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for the ARC, all opinions are my own.

Zoe seems to have it all. A loving husband, a job she loves, and now a baby girl.

But things aren't going as smooth as she thought it would.She's finding motherhood a challenge, although some of it may be her own fault. She absolutely refuses anyone's help, she has definite ideas on how to raise a child, even though it seems a bit disjointed at times.As her daughter gets older, her husband begins worrying.

At 18 months old, she's already had a broken arm, dislocated elbows, she's fallen off a Zoe seems to have it all. A loving husband, a job she loves, and now a baby girl. But things aren't going as smooth as she thought it would.She's finding motherhood a challenge, although some of it may be her own fault. She absolutely refuses anyone's help, she has definite ideas on how to raise a child, even though it seems a bit disjointed at times.As her daughter gets older, her husband begins worrying. At 18 months old, she's already had a broken arm, dislocated elbows, she's fallen off a changing table. Granted, the daughter may be a little rough and tumble, but something feels off.Things get serious when Zoe schedules to have tubes put in her daughter's ears.

She has only had one serious ear infection, but Zoe lies to the doctor and the baby undergoes a minor surgery. Zoe's husband goes through the roof, she didn't even inform him.

Later on, she schedules an appointment with a doctor to see about having her screened for scoliosis. Even the family physician is puzzled about this, as the child has never had a problem.Old scars long dormant begin to pull Zoe to the edge of an abyss too terrifying to contemplate as Zoe is haunted by the ghosts of the past.This is a well written psychological drama that becomes darker with each incident that occurs. The author has done excessive research and her finely drawn, credible characters are a result.Many thanks to the author / Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine / Delacorte Press / Netgalley for the advanced digital copy of this psychological women's fiction. This was read and reviewed voluntarily. Opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.

This is darker than your average Danielle Steel but with the kind of writing style that she is known for. The plot was fantastic but the writing style was kind of an overview, a glazed over rendition and very surface. Its been so long since Ive read a Steel book that I had forgotten her style. The book kept me engaged but Im not sure the darker plot works with the detached writing style. I wanted more emotion, more substance, and more feeling instead of the overview that I received.

I quite This is darker than your average Danielle Steel but with the kind of writing style that she is known for. The plot was fantastic but the writing style was kind of an overview, a glazed over rendition and very surface. It’s been so long since I’ve read a Steel book that I had forgotten her style. The book kept me engaged but I’m not sure the darker plot works with the detached writing style.

I wanted more emotion, more substance, and more feeling instead of the overview that I received. I quite enjoyed the story but it was missing a little oomph to take it to the next level. Thank you @randomhouse for this advance reader in exchange for my honest review. I will preface this by saying that Ive read Danielle Steels books since the beginning and my particular favorites are Granny Dan and Message from Nam. Steel writes heartwarming stories in a smooth, flowing style.

But Im afraid that this particular one wasnt a favorite of mine.I understand that this is a different style of novel for Steel, and I think its wonderful that shes branched out to write womens fiction/suspense. Unfortunately, her style of writing doesnt seem to work for suspense. At no I will preface this by saying that I’ve read Danielle Steel’s books since the beginning and my particular favorites are Granny Dan and Message from Nam. Steel writes heartwarming stories in a smooth, flowing style. But I’m afraid that this particular one wasn’t a favorite of mine.I understand that this is a different style of novel for Steel, and I think it’s wonderful that she’s branched out to write women’s fiction/suspense. Unfortunately, her style of writing doesn’t seem to work for suspense.

At no time in this story did I feel it was suspenseful. I never liked the main character Zoe. I wasn’t fooled by her over-protectiveness of her child. Once the husband grew suspicious, I already knew what was going to happen. And I question the laid-back attitude of the husband about the issue.

As a mother, I suppose I feel I’d have done something much sooner – but that might just be me.I also feel we were being told instead of shown the story. It would have been so much better if the story was laid out in more scenes showing us what was happening instead of just a narration.Having said that, Danielle Steel is the queen of women’s fiction and I respect her for that. I’ve enjoyed so many of her books. I hope she continues to delve into other types of fiction. This particular book, however, just wasn’t for me. The Dark Side is a tale of psychological suspense by Danielle Steel. Steel is the author of many bestsellers but this novel is different from her standard fare.Zoe Morgan has a difficult childhood because her younger sister, Rose, is diagnosed with leukemia and dies when Zoe is ten years old.

Zoes mother spends all her time with the seriously ill Rose and then retreats into deep despondency after Roses death, leaving Zoe very isolated. Zoes father remarries and has two more children but isnt The Dark Side is a tale of psychological suspense by Danielle Steel. Steel is the author of many bestsellers but this novel is different from her standard fare.Zoe Morgan has a difficult childhood because her younger sister, Rose, is diagnosed with leukemia and dies when Zoe is ten years old. Zoe’s mother spends all her time with the seriously ill Rose and then retreats into deep despondency after Rose’s death, leaving Zoe very isolated.

Zoe’s father remarries and has two more children but isn’t involved in Zoe’s life. Zoe eventually attends medical school but withdraws to work at a nonprofit for abused children.Austin Roberts is a well-known child advocacy attorney who takes pro bono cases for children and is member of the board of the nonprofit.

Austin comes from a completely different family background. He’s from a close family and enjoys spending time with them. He loves his brothers, and their wives and children.Zoe and Austin marry and conceive their daughter, Jaime, through in vitro fertilization. They’re both over the moon happy, but Zoe has some unusual parenting ideas. She’s totally against schedules for babies and insists she will nurse on demand for at least the first year. Also, she believes that children should be given the freedom to make choices about things that may be harmful to them. Austin is taken aback, but he’s a first-time parent as well so he goes along with Zoe’s plan.From the beginning parenthood proves difficult.

Zoe has problems breastfeeding. They overcome that issue but it’s only the beginning of a litany of issues for little Jaime. Austin’s mother comes to him with her concerns, and he is no longer able to ignore his own suspicions. He’s now faced with possibly one of the most difficult things a parent ever has to do. He’s looking directly into the dark side.Though this novel has a different tone than the average Danielle Steel novel, it is still just as well-written. The actual subject matter is well camouflaged until the author is ready to reveal it.

I was fully captivated. The characters are relatable and believable, but not all likable. I rate The Dark Side 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it to all readers who enjoy fiction with a bit of suspense.My thanks to Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book. However, the opinions expressed in this review are 100% mine and mine alone. The Dark Side is darker than Danielle Steels other novels, but it still contains her unique and engaging writing style. The Dark Side is a fascinating story that quickly pulled me in and had me staying up late to finish it.

The book is well-written with a good flow and steady pacing. I like that the story is written in the third person. Zoe Morgan is a developed character, though, not likeable.

Her childhood shapes her whole life. Zoe becomes an overachiever determined to excel at everything she The Dark Side is darker than Danielle Steel’s other novels, but it still contains her unique and engaging writing style.

The Dark Side is a fascinating story that quickly pulled me in and had me staying up late to finish it. The book is well-written with a good flow and steady pacing.

I like that the story is written in the third person. Zoe Morgan is a developed character, though, not likeable.

Her childhood shapes her whole life. Zoe becomes an overachiever determined to excel at everything she does and that includes motherhood. I like how the story gradually evolves as you move through the book.

The Dark Side deals with a topic that is rarely addressed and is very hard to prove (I do not want to say too much and spoil it for you). It is an emotional story that will touch the heart of parents. The Dark Side is a psychological suspense that will linger in your mind long after you finish it. The Dark Side came out 2 days ago and i was excited when my library got it right in. Ive lost count but i think this is my 28th or 29th book by Danielle Steel. With this book I really wasnt sure where this whole thing was going. Boy oh boy is the title right on!

Its a very dark story thats for sure and Zoe really had me cringing throughout. I dont want to spoil it. The Dark Side came out 2 days ago and i was excited when my library got it right in. I’ve lost count but i think this is my 28th or 29th book by Danielle Steel. With this book I really wasn’t sure where this whole thing was going.

Boy oh boy is the title right on! It’s a very dark story that’s for sure and Zoe really had me cringing throughout. I don’t want to spoil it. Thank goodness for this book. I read it on a long flight to San Francisco last week, and it made the trip so much more interesting.

This story is now what I would have expected from Danielle Steel. There's not a love story to be found in this story-instead, we're treated to a psychological suspense book involving a shocking case of child abuse.When Zoe's sister Rose dies of leukemia, her parents' marriage falls apart, and she finds herself feeling neglected and alone. Her sister's death leaves Thank goodness for this book. I read it on a long flight to San Francisco last week, and it made the trip so much more interesting. This story is now what I would have expected from Danielle Steel. There's not a love story to be found in this story-instead, we're treated to a psychological suspense book involving a shocking case of child abuse.When Zoe's sister Rose dies of leukemia, her parents' marriage falls apart, and she finds herself feeling neglected and alone.

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Her sister's death leaves her with emotional scars that time can't erase. Even when Zoe marries Dan and has a daughter of her own, the past comes back to haunt her in ways I didn't see coming.I don't want to give away the major twist that comes up in the middle of the book. Suffice it to say, the story takes a very dark turn that is atypical for Danielle Steel, but it pays off in spades.

I couldn't put this book down even after the plane landed. I stayed in my seat even while everyone around me was getting off the plane just so I could read the last few pages of this novel.

This is probably one of Steel's best books-and that's saying a lot. I highly recommend reading this novel.Thank you to NetGalley and Ballantine for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Its been such a long time since Ive read a Danielle Steele novel - not sure why; theyre great.Her writing style flows so well and she really knows how to spin a tale. This one is just so tragic, a hard one to read.This horrific tale of child abuse gives insight to MBP and how that can come to occur. It doesnt excuse it or allow you to accept it but it does allow you to see why it may happen.It also shows how someone can get away with this and how they still love their life, child, and spouse. It’s been such a long time since I’ve read a Danielle Steele novel - not sure why; they’re great.Her writing style flows so well and she really knows how to spin a tale. This one is just so tragic, a hard one to read.This horrific tale of child abuse gives insight to MBP and how that can come to occur.

It doesn’t excuse it or allow you to accept it but it does allow you to see why it may happen.It also shows how someone can get away with this and how they still love their life, child, and spouse. It doesn’t mean they deserve them or aren’t sick.This was a quick read but I think it will stick with me for a while. Thanks to NetGalley, the author and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for a copy in exchange for a review. 4 starThe Dark Side by Danielle Steel is a fascinating book. It has been a very long time since I have read a Danielle Steel book, but I quickly remembered her unique writing style and how much I like her stories. This book has a significantly sinister theme to it compared to the majority of Steels books. Her writing style doesnt allow her to hit on the deep emotions needed for this type of story; however, the book was very good.

This could have been a 5-star book had Steel wrote in a different 4 starThe Dark Side by Danielle Steel is a fascinating book. It has been a very long time since I have read a Danielle Steel book, but I quickly remembered her unique writing style and how much I like her stories. This book has a significantly sinister theme to it compared to the majority of Steel’s books.

Her writing style doesn’t allow her to hit on the deep emotions needed for this type of story; however, the book was very good. This could have been a 5-star book had Steel wrote in a different format.I feel as if this book will appeal to many people. I am giving it 4 stars due to the significance of the story. I highly recommend it.I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley.

The views given are my own. From the very first sentence this book creeped me out in the best possible way. It kept on getting creepier and creepier as I continued. A married couple are new parents. The mother is so careful to make sure nothing happens to her daughter like it happened to her sister when she was young.

Her sister died from cancer and after she felt neglected. She vowed to never have her daughter feel this way. The problem is her baby is accident prone and always seems to have a medical issue. To find out From the very first sentence this book creeped me out in the best possible way. It kept on getting creepier and creepier as I continued. A married couple are new parents.

The mother is so careful to make sure nothing happens to her daughter like it happened to her sister when she was young. Her sister died from cancer and after she felt neglected. She vowed to never have her daughter feel this way. The problem is her baby is accident prone and always seems to have a medical issue.

To find out the issues was definitely a ride! I think its a good thing when an author tries something new. This dark and disturbing book is a decent effort but I didnt feel it was as suspenseful as intended. The story was interesting yet the issue at hand was pretty apparent to me early on. I thought the characters were well developed and there was a lot of empathy felt for little Jaime, the daughter of Zoe and Austin, who keeps having injuries. Not a bad book but not a great one either.

I think it’s a good thing when an author tries something new. This dark and disturbing book is a decent effort but I didn’t feel it was as suspenseful as intended. The story was interesting yet the issue at hand was pretty apparent to me early on. I thought the characters were well developed and there was a lot of empathy felt for little Jaime, the daughter of Zoe and Austin, who keeps having injuries.

Not a bad book but not a great one either. 3 🌟Zoe grows up watching her sister dying slowly of a illness.Her family life is flipped upside down daily. As everyone wonders and hoping Zoe sister lives.Terribly this gets worst. Her home life isnt normal.But she grews up becomes a wife and a grear successful business woman then soon a mom that finds herseld wanting to raise her daughter by the book. But things just doesn't seem right about what's really going on and Zoe mother in law questions it and Zoe husband notices something isnt right.

3 🌟Zoe grows up watching her sister dying slowly of a illness.Her family life is flipped upside down daily. As everyone wonders and hoping Zoe sister lives.Terribly this gets worst. Her home life isnt normal.But she grews up becomes a wife and a grear successful business woman then soon a mom that finds herseld wanting to raise her daughter by the book. But things just doesn't seem right about what's really going on and Zoe mother in law questions it and Zoe husband notices something isnt right.Interesting.but I figured it out right away. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this novel.By far, the BEST DS novel in a long time.Zoe is highly traumatized by her family falling apart after her younger sister's death at 7 to leukemia. As Zoe grows, she makes great grades, going to great schools and trying med school before realizing she wants to take a different path. She becomes the operator of a major home for abused children, and meets the love of her life Austin.Austin and Zoe's life is forever changed Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this novel.By far, the BEST DS novel in a long time.Zoe is highly traumatized by her family falling apart after her younger sister's death at 7 to leukemia.

As Zoe grows, she makes great grades, going to great schools and trying med school before realizing she wants to take a different path. She becomes the operator of a major home for abused children, and meets the love of her life Austin.Austin and Zoe's life is forever changed when their daughter, Jaime is born.

Zoe struggles with the demands of a newborn, especially with nursing. After a scare early on, her worries are multiplied.

What seems at first as a story about a overzealous, worried mother turns to something much darker as Austin begins to realize that their daughter seems to be sicker and have more injuries than most kids her age.As he struggles with the knowledge that Zoe is not who she seems, the darkness that surrounds her may cost the ultimate price.I loved the story for this one. It was different, deeper and not as shallow as other books by Steel lately.

Still a quick read, but one with more substance. I reached page 94 and wondered if I really wanted to read to the end. It looked like it wasn't going to end well and when it involves a child it's just distasteful to me. I decided to skip to the end and was proven right, so no more Dark Side.I don't recommend it for Danielle Steel readers since it seems different than her usual. It's more psychological, distasteful. I can't think of anyone who might like this kind of book, no, I take it back. Maybe those that like psychological thrillers I reached page 94 and wondered if I really wanted to read to the end.

It looked like it wasn't going to end well and when it involves a child it's just distasteful to me. I decided to skip to the end and was proven right, so no more Dark Side.I don't recommend it for Danielle Steel readers since it seems different than her usual. It's more psychological, distasteful. I can't think of anyone who might like this kind of book, no, I take it back. Maybe those that like psychological thrillers though I'm not sure if this qualifies as a psychological thriller but it's psychologial if nothing else.

Danielle Steel is one of my favorite authors,so when I got a chance to read an advanced copy I was thrilled! She did not disappoint. The Dark Side is a bit different from her other books which I enjoyed. This involves a happy loving family who will encounter some disturbing injuries and illnesses that will change their lives. At times I thought I knew what was going to happen, but Danielle Steel has a way of writing that has you wanting more and you have to keep reading to find out if you are Danielle Steel is one of my favorite authors,so when I got a chance to read an advanced copy I was thrilled! She did not disappoint. The Dark Side is a bit different from her other books which I enjoyed.

This involves a happy loving family who will encounter some disturbing injuries and illnesses that will change their lives. At times I thought I knew what was going to happen, but Danielle Steel has a way of writing that has you wanting more and you have to keep reading to find out if you are correct.

This is a must read and one of my favorites. Since 1981, Ms. Steel has been a permanent fixture on the New York Times hardcover and paperback bestseller lists. In 1989, she was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for having at least one of her books on the Times bestseller list for 381 consecutive weeks.

But Guinness was premature. The fact is that one or more of Ms. Steel's novels have been on the New York Times bestseller list for Since 1981, Ms.

Steel has been a permanent fixture on the New York Times hardcover and paperback bestseller lists. In 1989, she was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for having at least one of her books on the Times bestseller list for 381 consecutive weeks. But Guinness was premature. The fact is that one or more of Ms. Steel's novels have been on the New York Times bestseller list for over 390 consecutive weeks.Twenty-one of Ms.

Steel's novels have been adapted for television, each earning high ratings and critical acclaim, including two Golden Globe nominations for JEWELS, a four-hour mini-series that starred Anthony Andrews.In addition, Ms. Steel is the author of the 'Max and Martha' series of books for young readers. They are ten illustrated storybooks written to comfort the young as they face problems, such as a new stepfather, new baby, new school, loss of a grandparent, and other crucial dilemmas in a child's life. She has also written the 'Freddie' books, four of them, about real-life situations in children's lives, like a visit to the doctor and the first night away from home. Steel has also written nonfiction, HIS BRIGHT LIGHT, about the life and death of her son Nicholas Traina, released by Delacorte Press in September 1998 and immediately jumped to the New York Times Non-Fiction bestseller list and 'Having a Baby.' She has also written a book of poetry entitled LOVE: POEMS BY DANIELLE STEEL.In 2002, Ms.

Steel was decorated by the French government as an 'Officier' of the distinguished Order of Arts and Letters, for her lifetime contribution to world culture. She was awarded the second highest rank of the Order.Ms. Steel also has a passionate interest in emerging contemporary artists.

She has had an art gallery for several years, and and continues to sponsor and organize free lance art shows and events to show the work of emerging and mid-career artists. She has a degree in design herself. In addition to her writing, Ms. Steel has varied philanthropic interests.

She founded and runs two foundations, one named in honor of her late son, The Nick Traina Foundation, which funds organizations involved in mental illness and child abuse. The second was established to assist the homeless.

She has won numerous awards for her personal work with mentally ill adolescents and children. Steel maintains a passionate interest in the welfare and well-being of children, particularly those in jeopardy. She has raised nine children of her own. And they continue to keep her busy, as she juggles writing and family. Her family is her first priority, despite her many interests.From an education in New York and Europe to a professional background in public relations and advertising, and teaching, Ms.

Steel moved on quickly to her literary career and has been hard at work writing ever since. She wrote her first book at nineteen. Often, she works on five books at a time — researching one storyline, writing another, and editing the third. Still, she often spends two to three years researching and developing a single project. In the heat of a first draft, it is not uncommon for her to spend eighteen to twenty hours a day glued to her 1946 Olympia manual typewriter.Family, children, and young people are the central focus of her life, and her passion, which frequently shows in her writing. She deals with the themes that touch on the most pressing issues of real life, which makes her books universal, and touch so many people. She is fascinated by the pressing life situations that affect us all, how people handle them and are often transformed as a result.

And her novels have explored subjects such as kidnapping, incest, mental illness, suicide, death, divorce, adoption, marriage, loss, cancer, war, among others. She also frequently writes about historical themes, shedding new light on familiar historical events with meticulously accurate research.Despite her varied interests and activities.