Soldiers can become hero units, which gain abilities and special skills (such as never dying in battle if they're not at 1 HP), which can be significant in turning the tide of the war.Panzer Corps 2 also features an absurdly amount of customization. If you want a bunch of overpowered hero units that can steamroll over enemies, you can also do that. If you want a punishing tank game that gives you no room for options, you can do that. You can enable or disable time limits, customize how punishing the 'undo action' option is, enable various difficulty modifiers, and tweak the game to your liking. Panzer corps ii.

The Scribblenauts series is one of the most unique to come along in years, so it's delightful to see it make its debut on iDevices. SCRIBBLENAUTS REMIX is a best-of game, combining the highlights of the first two Nintendo DS titles (along with 10 new puzzles) and offering a wonderful mix as a result.

Instructions To Install. Before Installing Game, Turn off WiFi and Mobile Data. You can enable them later after game has started working fine.

Extract the obb zip file directly to location sdcard/Android/obb/ or Copy Extracted folder to sdcard/Android/obb/. NOTE If the obb folder doesn’t exist, simply create a new folder named obb inside sdcard/Android/. Launch the game. Open the app, and run the game. It should no longer say “data files needed to download”These are the steps and instructions to install any android games, that come with obb files, or are large in size.Hope this helped.